The Players

Mel has played a few D&D campaigns using the 3.5 rule base. In this campaign, she is playing Vashaar, a Shadar'Kai Warlock.

Michael has both played in and DM'd various campaigns, and has experience with 3.5 and the White Wolf/ Exalted systems. He is playing Mashar de Sanguine, an Air Genasi Swordmage/ Monk hybrid.

Shane has played only a White Wolf campaign so far. He is playing Krakon, a Goliath Fighter.

Drew has played only preprepared campaigns, with assigned characters, so far, and only using the 3.5 rule base. He is playing Malkeith, a Dragonborn Wizard.

Levi does not have any experience with D&D at all. He has chosen to play Lily White, a Razerclaw Shifter Druid.