Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Hanging Garden

Because it feels like every single D&D campaign seems to start with the PC's meeting a tavern, I decided to do something different. Something unique.

That's right, I decided to begin this campaign in a beer garden. Talk about originality!

The Hanging Garden is located on the fringe of Tamalin, and is known to be friendly to newcomers to the city. Compared to the dirty, crowded and bustling merchant filled streets outside its gates, The Hanging Garden is a calm oasis. Large trees grow freely, with tables clustered between them. Smaller plants hang in pots from sturdy branches, making The Hanging Garden feel like an eden of greenery at the outskirts of the city.

The proprietor and main barkeep is La'al, half Human half Shifter. He was born in the city, and left as a teenager to try and reconnect with his Shifter heritage. Finding their settlement too rural for his tastes, he returned to Tamalin and established The Hanging Garden. He is still trying to find the balance between the beauty of the untamed wild, and the civilization of the city.

Here is a (very) rough floor plan, drawn up in paint. In the future I will try to scan in my sketches, but I hilariously misplaced this one.

The beer garden is located close to the main entrance to the city. I've circled it on the map below:

I absolutely love the idea of having trees that grow freely "inside" a building. Obviously that isn't quite the case here, because the trees are growing in an open area that is merely walled off from the rest of the city. Still, I can't help thinking of the fish shop that I went to with my grandmother in Salzburg, Austria, which has two massive trees growing straight through the roof!

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